| - I spent a while, quite a while looking for a mechanic who could baby my '63 Valiant along and actually tune a carburetor successfully. Nobody could really do it. Every mechanic I tried made my car cough and sputter like a Russian "Yugo."
Finally, one day I saw an older guy in a bar with a Northern Mopars jacket, so I figured if anyone might have a handle on a good vintage car mechanic, it would be him. He suggested Dale Adams and waxed at length about his experience and skill before adding cryptically, "...but he's not cheap."
Gulp. I took my car in, and the fellow was right, Dale isn't cheap, but he's not unreasonable. In fact considering the level of effort (manufacturing new parts to fit, spending time actually listening to the motor, looking for aftermarket parts on-line, etc) I actually think the service is well worth the price.
It's not the kind of place that hurries your car in and out, so be prepared to leave it for a week or two (they're very busy) ... and you have to kind of ride them a little bit to get your car back, but sometimes quality work takes time. I'm pretty sure I've found my mechanic.