If you are not sure where to start at Intuitive Development just show up on Intuitive Tuesday. I guarantee you will see immediately for yourself why you are there. You will be in a room full of strangers and realize immediately how everyone in that room , at that time , was meant to be there. You have to experience Lynn Bunch for yourself. We can review all day but you will not truly understand until you see her in action. Lynn will connect you with your inner self in a way you never thought possible. She is brutally honest and if you are in that room than you obviously need her straight talk. There is no B. S.
Lynn cuts right to the heart of the matter.
There are amazing associates too
Do yourself a favor and check it out. Don't let your religious beliefs or fear stop you.. That is not what Lynn is about.
It's a spiritual development process so that you can trust your inner guide. I promise you won't regret it.