The name is deceiving. This is not so much a specialty sausage store as it is a small Eastern European grocery store with a low quality deli meat counter in the rear. Some of the gourmet sausages are still in their plastic package casing from Costco and Smart and Final! The Turkey Breast was Jennie-O! Seriously! We waited for over 10 minutes behind a single customer who was obviously a family member or friend of the clerk talking up a storm and visiting. Another gentleman came out of the back to converse with the woman and the clerk. Never once did they acknowledge our presence. This gave us plenty of time to browse the small store. Observed lots of processed and packaged dry goods with interesting looking labels. The pastry items in the deli case looked old and stale. After waiting an additional 5 minutes and getting nobody to assist us with our potential sausage purchase we left and went to Trader Joes next door where we purchased some fresh brats and went home. This place won't last a year if this is the best they can do. Which is sad because I really prefer to support small mom and pops. But this one didn't even try.