I love Trader Joes. It's much better then Whole Foods in terms of quality of food and the taste. I love that Trader Joes actually tastes the food it puts out there and I know when I buy something knew that there is a 90% chance I will like it b/c it's gone through a taste review test. Unlike Whole foods who seems to put everything out there and the taste usually bland. The people that work at Trader Joes are generally very nice. There is one woman there that does not like to double bag b/c the bags hurt her hands, so I purchased the clothe bags instead. I feel for people that struggle especially if they are elderly. For 5 dollars I could make her work easier. Even though I tend to forget my bags. My favorite food at Trader Joes is addictive and I go back for the same things every week.
I love the pre-made food isle when you walk in past the bread...the sushi is good and cheap, the homestyle potato salad..yum. The chickpea salad is addictive! And I love the turkey and mashed potatoes.
In the frozen section the Chinese fried rice with edamame is really good. They have pumpkin filled burritos are delicious. I wish they would confirm that the corn is organic though as there was a black sting thing in my last burrito that made me question it. And love that item if they can fix that issue.
The oriental chicken sweet and sour chicken in frozen is really good. The thick pie mini pizzas are delicious. I did not like the mushroom cheese pizza without tomato sauce though, that item I threw out. The chicken wings are great!
One thing I did not like was that I started to buy my meat from Frys because the meat at Trader Joes seemed to have a stink to it and I would throw it out. This would happen now and then from Frys' but it seemed to happen everytime at Trader Joes and they should look into why it's stinking and if it's a transport issue. I don't know. And the organic chicken they had that was not kosher didn't seem to have any flavor. So I stopped buying my meets from them.
The cheese area Is amazing. I love the cheddar pub cheese and wish they would add it with port wine and cheddar pub cheese. The blueberry wrapped goat cheese is amazing.
Also, Trader Joes why do you put food coloring in your items? If I see food coloring I skip buying that item as food coloring that isn't natural causes cancer. Why do you add it sometimes?? Our govt isn't protecting us, so we have to do it ourselves.
But all in all, I love TRADER JOES ..It IS THE BEST!!!
Keep up the good work and work on improving some of the things I have mentioned.
Also, the dolmas by the jarred olives are amazing. These are greek rice and grape leaf wraps. Yummy!!
Trader Joes please look into delivery for the people that cannot drive to you. That would be AMAZING! DELIVERY DELIVERY DELIVERY!
Also, get Kambucha drinks! And Organic green smoothies. I won't buy your green smoothies unless it's pesticide free. I don't want the cancer causing Monsanto roundup herbicide in my drink and in my body. I get enough from the air. I want organic as much as possible only.
If you had hydroponic grown vegetables that were organic we organic lovers would flock to you even more to not have to have food grown in outdoor air where the govt is spraying poisonous "chemtrails" on the population with cancerous chemicals that we all breath in. Compliments of the illuminati cabal.