DTC is a very savvy and shrewd money making machine, at YOUR EXPENSE!! Being retired and on a fixed income I always look for the best possible deal I can get. On Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2015 they "offered" 20% off and free shipping on any order over $75.00. I checked the item that I wanted and skimmed through the men's clothing items. Guess what I found, nearly every item cost $74.50. How very shrewd of them!!! Then on Thursday the ad is free shipping on any item over $50.00, BUT there is no sale on. I found several clearance items at 8a.m. eastern time....SOLD OUT!! On the few reduced items left (that I did not want), guess what...they cost $49.50...NO free shipping. This company is out ONLY for your hard earned dollar. So I went to another on line store, purchased an almost identical item.... 30% off and free shipping!! I saved about $40.00.