Unorganized & Unable to Communicate.
After receiving a promotional flyer from this company, I decided to give them a try.
My first attempt was on July 3rd. I drove to their location and the gate was locked. I called the office # and got the voicemail. I left a voicemail and was never called back.
There was no sign on their gate, office door or on their website, facebook page or other social media saying they would be closed. Even their voicemail message did not mention the business being closed.
I left a facebook message and did get a response back (on facebook) saying: "Good morning Jarrett. Sorry you missed us on Friday. We were closed that day for the 4th of July holiday.
Would you like to come in sometime this week?
I apologies for any inconvenience."
So on Tuesday my boyfriend and I went to their business to get an oil change. They informed us they could not do it that day so we made arrangements to get the oil changed in both of our cars on Wednesday.
The owner, Adres, spoke with us and apologized for being closed and for not posting a sign. He said they decided last minute to close their shop.
On Wednesday my boyfriend took his car in as scheduled (or so we thought) and they did not have record of him coming in today. After he dropped his car off they called to tell him his oil change would be more than the promotional flyer rate that we brought our cars in for ($19.95).
When we picked his car up to trade mine in for my scheduled (again, or so we thought) oil change and they charged him $44 (instead of the $19.95). Then, the front desk guy tells me they don't have time to do my car today and would need to schedule it at another time.
They could've told me that when I called to see if our other car was ready so we could trade it in for the other car to get an oil change.
Sorry but after two strikes you're out. You don't get three chances with me to earn my business after several failed attempts that included miscommunication time and time again.
I will not be returning here for any car services or recommend this company after my experience with them.