| - During the Chinese Culture and Cuisine Festival, we decided to eat at the food truck area and I noticed a food truck I've never seen before. This one focused on Asian fusion cuisine and from the looks on everyone elses's plate, the food looked pretty darn good. I went ahead and got the Adobo Fried Rice and some lumpia sticks.
The fried rice was amazing.
The components of this fried rice is that the brown rice was layered on top, then this light substance that reminds me of radishes, and then this devilishly good crispy roasted pork belly and garnished with a good dose of cilantro. As much as I liked the dish, the crispy fried pork bits were the star of the show. I applaud Flipping Rice for cooking this browned pork fat into a crispy-yet- not burnt masterpiece. It enhanced the flavor of the rice, which was browned with adobo, a generally savory yet subtly sweet sauce.
The best bite I received from the fried rice was a chopstick full of rice, the radish stuff, the cilantro, and the pork. All of these flavors and textures really brought everything together. You have the freshness of the radish thing and the cilantro, and the savorieness and combination of textures of the rice and pork.