This was my first time in a Cabela's. It is indeed a hunting and camping outdoors wonderland. My first impression was that of the bathroom, which was fairly gross. Many times this is the fault of the customers who pee all over the seats, but also the employees who should be checking and cleaning them frequently.
Really liked the seating area out front with the big fireplace. Cabela's has stuffed animals everywhere- not the cute fluffy kind but taxidermy. There's even a really cool display with a large fish tank; the water was super clean and clear.
The best part is the boating section. Who doesn't love to climb on a brand new pimped out pontoon boat and dream of buzzing around Lake Norman with a cold one in your other hand. Now if I can only scrape together $39,000.
I did find their prices rather high, almost stratospherically high. The exact water bazooka for a pool that was $3 at Aldi's was $15 here. Yikes!!
So, I'm not really the Cabela's type, although it is a fun place to browse. The next time my kids bug me for a goldfish, I'll just bring them here. At least they can't kill these ones.