Complete hole in the wall place that if you don't know about it you will drive right by it without stopping. If it hadn't been for Yelp I would never have found out about this place, and that thought makes me sad. The owner Russel runs the small dining room, and his wife is the cook in the kitchen. He's a really upbeat guy who greets you when you walk in the door and is really helpful with deciding what to have. He asked me if I was hungry and he immediately told me to get the combo when I said yes. Boy was he right, it was delicious, and the perfect amount of food, and for $9.50 I feel it was a great deal. I would recommend listening to what he tells you you should order, and I really like that he explains what everything is if you've never had it before. Overall, a great experience and I will undoubtedly be going back there many times.