Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo, google it if you are not old enough to remember it. No Rick Derringer is not in this show but plenty of very talented musicians from bands you know and love are. This show is non stop air guitar worthy, stand on your feet and shout at the moon music! You may not know all of the names in the show but don't let this stop you from seeing this well produced, fast moving show. You will not be yawning at this baby. If you are check your pulse bro. It takes me back to the days of Boss Jocks and great rock music at KMET and KLOS which just so happens to be featured in the show in one of the vignettes. If you know rock music or have ears you will know all of the songs they play and will rock out with the best of them. Hats off to the producers and the musicians, very well done!