IF I COULD GIVE A Zero 0 IT WOULD BE TOO GENEROUS. As it is quite evident by their very poor previous ratings, Las Vegas Hyundai on Sahara are very dishonest people. I worked with Brandon and his deceitful manager, he lied to me at least 5 times over several discussions. He made a fatal 4k mistake in his price calculations with and in front of witnesses. He told me they didn't have my color at first, then I arrive and they have it right on the lot. He told me they didn't have the vehicle I wanted, I called the secretary and she scheduled a test drive in that vehicle the same evening.
They however never sent their "test drive our vehicle and get an Amazon gift card" . So stay away from Brandon and hope and pray that you don't get ripped off like most customers. You should know they own Centennial Hyundai and ABC so make sure you know your alphabet well before you start back with your A's B's and C's for criminal. SO pretty much no matter where you go, you will get a good wallet cleaning and very poor SERVICE as it's is clear no one has put any of them through Forbes 5 Star Customer Service Excellence Training.
They haven't even taken a course on making friends and influencing people. You can tell when you walk in and there is no coffee or water available, you best go to the welfare office to assist as it is not just a water shortage in vegas and Starbucks short of beans. Sadly all the Hyundai dealers are deceitful and take advantage of those not educated. Don't be a victim. They make great cars but allow crooks to buy their franchise and do to you what the Chinese have done to our country with their 700 billion trade deficit.