Walked into Smith's about 2am last night, got a cartful of groceries. When I asked for a checker I was told there wasn't one and that they couldn't get one. I HATE those self-scanners, and since about 30% of the food cost is (supposedly) labor, if you want me to scan and bag my own groceries I expect a 30% discount. Soooo.... I walked out and left $300.00 worth of groceries sitting in the cart for them to replace and drove the extra half mile to Albertson's and made my purchases there. I suppose I should be grateful to Smith's, because Albertson's was actually a better shopping experience and I'll be doing my shopping there from now on.
Long story short: If I'm dropping a couple hundred buying groceries from you, you damn well better get me a cashier, because you're GOING to pay that labor cost one way or the other. Either checking me out or putting my groceries back on the shelf.