| - If we trace our grocery routes back about 60-70 years before the cost cutting, one stop shopping, impersonal staffing, get gas and changing your tires checking yourself out and getting your photos developed SUPER STORES, there was your local small town grocer. Obviously I have no recollection of these pre big box era small town shops, but if I could picture it in my head it would picture something like Oak Ridges Food Market.
Ok sure they're not just a dry goods vendor in the traditional sense, and you can do a one stop shop here (produce, grocery, baked goods, deli, butcher, and even flowers) BUT what I love most about ORFM is how they've managed to maintain that small town specialty shop feel while remaining competitive with their larger chain counterparts.
As you walk through the store each section is beautifully labeled with its specialty item and each section makes you feel like you've stepped back in time to visit a specialty shop. As you walk in you find yourself in the produce section where fruits and veggies are piled high not unlike those markets and produce shops from days gone by. As you move through produce you come across the butcher and deli counter, here you take a number from the red roll and wait for it to be called. As you wait you can watch the butchers in the back freezer preparing the meats through a pane of glass OR the deli counter attendants as they freshly slice your cold cuts (try their Hot Soprasata).
Moving away from the deli counter your nose catches a wiff of freshly baked breads and desserts and low and behold you have arrived at the bakery section. While they aren't able to make your cake from scratch here they do have them prepared offsite in little to no time and they will personalize the greeting on it to order (Hi MOM!). The grocery section is not unlike any other grocery chain you've visited but where Oak Ridges gets points is in the knowledge and service the staff in this section provides AND the selection. I don't know how they do it but they have the same variety of products as the No Frills across the street (sometimes even having specialty items you can't get across the way).
Once you complete you're shopping journey the only thing left to do is check out. The cashiers here are always friendly and smiling, and totally willing to help you bag your groceries. If carting things to your car is an issue, just ask, they'll have a strapping young lad to the front in seconds to hep you to your car.
Maybe I'm sentimental but I love going here, it gives me that small town escape just a stones throw away from my home.