I was shocked to see this place have a five star rating on Yelp. It must be the owners posting over and over again because there is no way it should be rated that highly.
We got takeout, thank God, because the interior of the restaurant reminded me of a 7-11. No offense to the owners, but the dining area floor plan is a mess, complete with garbage bag table cloths and a massive Pepsi machine in the middle of the room.
I ordered Chef Claudio's Favorite. The sauce and pasta weren't bad but the ham was basically cold cuts you would get from Safeway...not what you would expect from a 5 star Yelp restaurant for close to $20. My wife ordered the Quattro Formaggi, very much overkill on the cheese and had a very chunky consistency and gritty texture.
Again, I hate to bash a place but this is a 2 star restaurant and these 5 star reviews are absolute nonsens