This place is one of the worst places you could bring your automobile to. If you are a single women they will take advantage of you, if you aren't savvy on fixing cars they will get you too.
The owner will give an estimate (not in writing) and when the work is complete will double the initial estimate saying you owe much more. This happened to my mother twice. She didn't know... a single women who was at the mercy of this seemingly pleasant man, initially was told she needed a new radiator and hoses. He told her it would be $3-400 dollars. When she returned he doubled the price giving some lame excuse on why it was more. A couple days later she had problems again and went back to have it checked. Again with open arms the owner told her that she needed a new catalytic converter and it would cost $400. After the work was complete it was $900.
One week later, my mothers engine blows a gasket. Being that this gentleman was supposed to guarantee his work she went back. The owner told her that she needed a brand new engine and it wasn't due to anything he did. I asked her to take it for a second opinion and come to find out she didn't need a new engine, and further the blown gasket was due to the initial replacement of the radiator. When confronted with this information the man became very hostile and actually called my mother some very harsh curse words.
Don't let yourself or your mother fall victim to this mans pleasantries. He is not very nice and will take advantage of you.