At the end of a night of debauchery and drinking it usually comes down to 7 West or Fran's for me and my friends. However, more and more recently we've been ditching the (still Toronto classic) Fran's and making our way a little further North to this creaky 3 story restaurant in the Bay/Bloor area.
I love this building: it's dimly lit, creaky wood everywhere, steep inaccessible stairwells, weird uncomfortable sloping walls, and all awesome. Haha, it's got character.
The food is great for sharing or by yourself. I've tried many of the appetizers from the poutine (hey! it's poutine) to the salads and dips and they're all pretty great. Pizza and pasta dishes stand out as high points here and it's what I usually order. The Mac and Cheese in particular is pretty great if you're feeling like a more creamy smooth Mac and Cheese.
Once or twice I've come here just for Coffee and dessert and the cake has been pretty good. You're getting a lot of quantity, but the freshness and quality is not quite the same as some places. Good, but not necessarily worth coming here for that alone...unless it's 3 in the morning and it's between this or apple pie at Fran's. Then it's a toss-up!
Probably a 4 on the strength of the food alone, but the fact that I can come get that food here in the middle of the night any day of the week and not have to worry about spending too much pushes this place into 5 territory. Will definitely be back here again...repeatedly.