| - Ahhhh, Dorkdale. My mum would talk about how she would come here as a kid, eating grilled cheeses at Obie's which doesn't exist anymore. I remember going to eat great pasta dishes (there is no restaurant in this place that can have the same said for it here) at this place called Tony's, where you could smoke. (not that I miss that, but, times have changed.)
Now, if we all accept that malls are ALL ABOUT ILLUSION AND BEING COMMERCIAL, then Dorkdale takes the cake. You have really high end shops like Holt Renfrew, European Jewellery, David's Shoes, coupled with stores that are even more corporate like the Mac Store, The Bay, Williams Sonoma, Tim Horton's, etc. It also has stores that are on a smaller scale in price and popularity like Ardene or Miss Sixty/Energie. Everything though is made to look bigger, bolder, classier and cooler all the time. (Stores are required every few years to renovate and re-invent so to speak).
They have great little kiosks, some that just sell model cars, let's say, or Bella Pierre for cosmetics. But the coolest are the ones that pop up on the weekends - the food stalls, selling cured meats, fresh baked goods, chips, etc.
Dorkdale could definitely use higher quality to food restaurants to go with the shops - restaurants that aren't chain restaurants where the food is pretty mediocre.
Overall, though, for a place for everything, with lots of good quality merchandise and some nice palatial looking space to boot, it's the spot.