Took us a while but the girl finally found a good, locally owned yogurt shop. We needed one after some bad experiences with Zoyo and Orange Leaf. Always feels better supporting the local guys than the big company who could care a less about their patrons.
Aloha yogurt is a nice little place with some unique flavors. Loved the candy bar flavors like Twix! And the atmosphere was very friendly and warm. Got a good laugh out of the jumbo Mr. Potato Heads the were out on the tables.
The staff was very friendly. While the sample cups are not out for you to grab on your own, the staff is happy to hand you twenty of them if you ask. And one of them (I assume to Manager) was out on the floor chatting with the patrons and checking if we needed any help or sample cups.
There were plenty of topping to pick from and plenty of good flavors. Also, a BOGO check in deal? Heck yeah! Overall a great experience and next time I want Froyo, I know the first place I'm going!