| - I'm a fan of the saying "know your audience", it's important to know who you're dealing with and how to properly engage. I understand Urgent Care gets a wide range of patients who come in for a slew of 'reasons', but It's as much the PA's/MA's job to assess the patient.. as well as their patients needs. My back has been out for over a week, and after multiple adjustments, heating/icing, I decided to go to UC because my arm had gone numb earlier that day and my pain was getting unbearable. I needed help. After waiting well over an hour to be seen, a girl walks into the room with a rushed demeanor asking what was wrong as if I was just there to chat. After giving her my symptoms and the weekly run though, she came up with what felt like two extreme 'guesses'. She asked minimal questions, didn't feel or look my back or ask questions that (after reading about her two theories) would go hand in hand in properly determining what the real problem could be. She didn't want to do an x-Ray, and to be honest it felt like she didn't want to take the time. Having x-rays is routine and standard at a chiro office, and the comment about 'unnecessary radiation' just seems ridiculous when it's a simple first step in process of elimination. She didn't offer an anti-inflammatory, something for the pain whether it be something topical or for muscle spasms. She didn't suggest anything to do at home to help. Really, I felt like it was a waste of time and (and money considering her suggestion was to see my primary care doctor and to look up a few specialist; which I may or may not need considering there has literally hasn't been a single form of proper assessment) I left with a bad taste in my mouth. Urgent Care -as the name states- is where you go when you need Urgent CARE. After being at work all day (with a burning back from nerve pain, nbd) then home to see my babies for all of thirty minutes and then spending the last part of my night at UC with literally the same outcome as 15 minutes on Google, ya.. I can't say I recommend this place or at least the team I saw tonight. Other than the girl at the front desk, she was nice.