This place if gorgeous! Loved the sound, the decor, the chandelier and the set up in general. We got here around 10pm and the line was out the door because they haven't even opened the club yet. Probably took us about 40 minutes to get in - pretty uneventful. We had tickets from a promoter so we got in free. The only reason this place is getting only 3 stars is due to capacity issues. In a very short while, it got so crowded that you couldn't breathe because you had at least five people pressing up against you at any given time. And it's not that big of a deal until they all start "dancing" and jumping off the floor. Then it just becomes a hazard. Getting a bit further away from the dance floor was a mission impossible as well, because of how crowded it was. And oh, as you're super squished, people are smoking and waving their cigarettes and cigars in the air above your head. So... Great place if you can get into the VIP zone, if not... Explore at your own risk.