| - I've frequented this restaurant between 2011-2012 so I'm basing it on the 3 times I've been there I haven't been there this year....yet.
I usually only go out to this restaurant when I'm out in Mississauga visiting with my aunt and uncle (who first put me onto this place). They themselves have been going here for years, so I'm also surprised that there are not many great and objective reviews of this place.
First impressions this place is very laid back in its design think little Italy meets sopranos, its a little cluttered with decorations as some have said but thats part of the charm. This is no pretentious Italian restaurant, this is more like an Italian family eatery kind of place.
If Randy (the comical waiter) is still there, ask for him cause he is amazing guy and quite a sideshow himself, a real people person that will put a smile on your face by the end of night.
It was dinner time so I had the Fusilli al Salmon, but I'm not a big marinara guy which was what the dish had. So I asked if it be possible to switch the sauce for a white wine pesto like one of the other dishes, they didn't bat an eye and said sure no problem. I find a lot of pseudo "Italian" places the marinara has too much acidity, its like they don't know how to cook it or use the correct ingredients. And I didn't want to bother with an acidic pasta dish tonight...and plus didn't expect much from this place upon first impressions.
I'm a lover of Italian food although I'm Asian, hey both cultures know their noodles/pasta. Anyways first time I'm trying this and it was the best bowl of pesto Fusilli i've ever had....hands down. Without blowing my own horn (but will =D ) I think I have a very good sense for taste and smell...partly why I like eating a lot lol.
This pesto wasn't some canned or add water sauce plus people who do shoddy cooking don't make something this pure tasting. When you eat something memorable it sticks in your mind, and to some you can almost taste it. This was something memorable and why I came back twice more in the following year....and Mississauga is out of my way so I don't frequent it as much.
The second time i dined there again with my aunt and uncle we met the owner cause I just had to give my complements to the chef after my meal who was the owner as well.
Guess what the owner is Thai guy (looks in his 40s)...and I was like you make these Italian dishes? He was like yeah, I've been around to many Italian restaurants and he said he could do a lot better than most of them out there so he opened this place. No kidding. I said do you know how tough it is to find a good Italian restaurant that makes good honest Italian dishes that don't break the bank.
The third time was no different I was impressed with this restaurant. I've been to joints like Grazie on Yonge & Eg , this place runs circles around that joint that supposedly makes homemade pasta.
Granted I haven't been to other higher end Italian restaurants like Teroni or such, but having a neighborhood eatery where you can go and enjoy an Italian meal without breaking the bank on any day of the week is special. And you'll enjoy it too, which is the most important part.
Just like a lot of the small successful hipster joints (some I've reviewed) there is a reason a medium sized restaurant like this in a strip plaza has lasted so long without going out of business. Good food, good service, great price and from that a loyal customer base. So you know what forget these people that complain about the restaurants they've tried, people like to hear themselves complain all the time.
Don't take my word for it either, make your own decision and try it out. Cause like any business maybe they have a backup chef in training or someone is sick or they didn't get the best ingredients that week. I always make it point to try a place out twice... cause life happens. You had one bad dining experience...what do most American Italian movies say....Furgetaboutit