Very disappointed. Got pizza and sticks with my buddy (BBQ chicken, natch) and remembered to request that the driver call, rather than ring the doorbell. My dog, sweet as she is, barks like a maniac when people knock on door which wakes up the six month old. It's a whole thing.
Anyway, back to the za: the driver buzzed the doorbell, my dog freaked out, my baby cried. I was annoyed but ready to get my munch on. I was quickly dismayed to find that both the pizza and breadsticks were incredibly undercooked and doughy. (I'm fairly intoxicated as I write this, so my standards are pretty low - I did get toppers after all)
All I wanted to do was get my grub on. Smh
Edit: I bumped it up to two stars from the original review of one -- following my review, the General Manager of the E. Wash store (Marcus Mrdjenovich) sent me a nice email apologizing for the errors and mailed me a few gift certificates. I certainly didn't expect that nice touch (or was trying to get free food out of it), so I was pleasantly surprised. Good customer service recovery.