I've wanted to visit this bakery for awhile. Today I finally did and I was greatly disappointed. It was a dark place with these women who were very unfriendly. I bought two cinnamon buns and a heart vanilla doughnut with a medium coffee. One lady ask me if I'd like cutlery, and I replied no. I was with my sister and I forgot that she needed the cutlery (the other bun wasn't for me). So when I was getting my coffee from side, I asked a lady with glasses if I could get a knife and fork, and in a rude tone, she replied "Cutlery". She was being way too extra!!! Anyways, we left and sat outside. Now, I drink my coffee black and man I could not describe to you how awful it was. IT WAS WATERY. WHO SERVES WATERY COFFEE???? I drank as much as I could but I threw it out eventually. The sweets was another problem, the vanilla doughnut wasn't gross but it was not appetizing and the cinnamon bun was super dry! All of it was 16 bucks, so never again. I expected something good for that amount but NOPE. Never coming back.