What kind of a CHURCH is constantly promoting sex in their billboards and public ads? The leadership at this church are a bunch of perverts! I can't even repeat the smut that is constantly showing up on this den of iniquity's billboards. The wicked satanic advertisers of Madison Avenue use sex to sell and you, as a church, aim to pattern yourselves after them? Completely shameful. Find a church that actually has an interest in purity and teaching the word of God. This church is filled with perverseness and their hearts are corrupt. As a Christian I am so ashamed to see your perverted billboards laden with sexual innuendo and outright filthy communication. This place glory's in their shame and its only interest is to please the world and to appeal to their sensual and sinful lust. Stop encouraging sin and filth on your public billboards and declaring your sin as sodom! Get right with God! This church is of the devil and Christ does not dwell there.