This place is HUGE. The staff here are welcoming and are everywhereeeeeee. Doors were opened and orders taken quickly. We really wanted 3rd floor, but we had a minor with us so we settled for 2nd. The facility is technology friendly.
After choosing a club (female and male differ), you wave it over the sensor and a ball pops out. Across the course you have colored hole markers, marking score as you make it into them. I couldn't believe the advanced tech. TV screens informed you of where exactly the ball went into. Trust me, keeping track of that tiny thing is hard. No, the ball cars have no points if you hit the poor suckers. I SUCKED. Not just kinda sucked, but was insanely horrible. I scored like 10 while everyone got over 20. My only comment on this place would be to wish they had someone show you how to swing a club in order for me to actually hit the ball rather than spending half my time swining air. It was nice to see others sucking just as bad, so I didnt feel too terrible.
I'm definitely coming back! Local discount for Nevada residents! Check online before coming.