| - I have a feeling all the good reviews are written by someone in their office or family members of people who work there so their loved ones dont get fired for their incompetence. Let me start by saying I've been to their office twice so far and have made 5 phone calls and NEVER AGAIN!
1. Wait times are ridiculous. They schedule a time AND tell you to show up 30 min earlier. Why do that if you are gonna be seen two hours after your appointment time anyway?
2. I saw Dr Waltman for 15 Min out of 2 hours that I spent in their office (mostly waiting) and I am not sure about others, but this doc definitely does not care about you, your health, or what you have to say.
3. They overcharged my insurance billing my visit as a "physical" but told me that they cant make it a physical since I need blood work and prescriptions. So I ended up paying the $46 visit fee, which I thought was strange since my insurance copay is $35. Their billing department told me that that's the standard fee and of course, they charged me the extra $11 and my insurance both. Then the 2nd visit, they tried to charge me $46 again, but that wasnt happening, not when I shouldnt have paid the 1st time since it was a physical.
4. 5 phone calls later and numerous voice mails later I lost it and through a fit on the phone that I needed my test results now, not in an hour, not in two, or 72 like Julie told me (never happened either btw)
5. I will repeat what everyone else is saying and reiterate that they've got some of the rudest staff ever.
Long Story short, do yourself a favor and dont make the same mistake I did. Good thing I have PPO cause I am never going back to that dump.