| - Came here for dinner and generally, it was an okay experience. This place has been in my bookmarks for a little while and I CAN FINALLY CROSS IT OFF MY LIST w00t w00t!
Anyways, I was absolutely shooked by how they presented the meals. It is kind of like a hot pot rice noodle dish, but not really? LOL I think that is the best way I can describe it. You basically pick a noodle dish first (I chose the Oriental Spicy Sauce Rice Noodle). They then bring you a tray that's filled with a variety of different things to put inside this small cauldron-like pot. ((Lowkey felt like a witch while I put my food inside this pot eeeeeHHEEEHEHEEH.)) You can put in the ingredients one by one, but because I knew the soup wasn't going to be hot for too long, I felt the urge to dump everything into the pot all at once (which kind of defeats the whole hot pot concept ish but that's just what I think lawl). Also, I think this is worthy of mentioning. Although the whole tray set up was a rather interesting concept, it took up way too much damn space on the table. The table is already small enough so adding all these little trays and this and that really leaves you with little to no room left. As a result, you are kind of forced to dump everything in to create more space on the table.
Taste wise, it is okay I guess. Nothing really stands out. It just tastes like rice noodle in a spicy soup base with some mediocre tasting ingredients LOOOL. Honestly. I think the coolest thing about this place is the whole "Hotpot Rice Noodle Dish But Not Really" concept (that's what I would like to call it : D) Oh, another thing, they have a free noodle refill (which I took advantage of even though I was full because why the fk not FREE!!!). Apparently, they used to have really small portions of noodles and people complained so it's good they are trying to counteract that.
Would I come again?
Most likely not.. I think the meal was around like $10 ish which isn't bad but yeah mates I think I would spend the extra $10-19 dollars on an AYCE hotpot place. At least there I can experience the true hotpot meal with an "endless" supply of orders for whatever ingredient I want.
**i lied; i come here quite often HAHAHHAAHAHAH