| - I gotta say, as a single gal who works 60 plus hours a week and loathes fast food, Fresh and Easy is my answer.
I will agree with other Yelpers that some of the prices are strange, but there are a few things that have unbeatable prices. Beer is one of them, especially for domestic beers. (Yes, I know they taste like water. But I love them nonetheless.) Also, I can usually find great prices on eggs, sweet potatoes, hummus, and canned things like tomato paste.
The other fun thing is their version of the "bargain bin". Because F&E has a lot of fresh ready made meals and meats, they have a relatively short shelf life. So they will mark many things down 50% on the day they expire. Of course you have to use them in a timely manner once you purchase them, but you can't beat a fresh ahi tuna steak for $3.50!
Overall, I'm a big fan of Fresh and Easy.