Graziano's is one of those places that you could walk right past and not even notice it. Rumor has it that Graziano's are related to the people that own Angelo's Pizzeria on Liberty Avenue in Bloomfield. They got into a fight, and Graziano's was born. Who knows if this is actually true, but they *do* have very similar pizza: on the thin side, crunchy and chewy, with a great mix of cheeses on top.
They sell beer (bring your own paper bag-LOL) and from time to time there are some neighborhood cronies in there that look like they've helped themselves a bit to the 40's in the cooler. But since it's strictly a pick up your pizza and get outta there place, it's more comical than scary.
I have the good fortune of living about 2 blocks away, but it is a bit strange that they don't deliver. But it's worth swinging by and picking up a pie.