| - We were "those customers". You know. The ones that come in when you're trying to close the last 30 minutes? I felt a little guilty for holding them up but they were very nice and gladly sat us down, offering us their coffee and other drinks menu. There were a few other couples in the middle of their meals, so it wasn't an awkward closing time. They are pretty popular so it makes sense that they would have stragglers coming in so late (it was almost midnight).
SERVICE: Quick, fun, friendly. When I told them neither my boyfriend nor I have ever been to Sweets Raku, their eyes lit up as they presented us their EDIBLE menu and explained to us the rest of their sweets on the menu, including a three-course dessert.
FOOD: We decided to skip the three-course and go straight for the main dessert course. We quickly chose the Marriage dessert choice and the Apollo dessert choice. Let's start off with Marriage: Dominate in the strawberry and shortcake flavors, with some kind of strawberry-raspberry gelee and an edible golden flake atop the banana pudding in the centre of the masterpiece. Apollo was mostly chocolate chocolate chocolate, and I was okay with that =) now for the best part of the desserts.... THE EARL GREY ICE CREAM! It came perched above three layers of strawberry and chocolate mousses and chocolate cake. At first we thought it was a Fruity Pebbles Ice Cream (it really really REALLY tastes like fruity pebbles), but they told us later when we asked.
Bill for a large cappucinno and two delicious main course desserts, with a $10 tip came out to almost $40.
Overall a great experience and well worth the money. Arigato gozaimasu, Sweets Raku. Apollo to Marriage, daisuki desu!