| - I ordered the "mega" (for ~$9), because I wanted a lot of gyros meat. I love gyros meat (well, actually, I love kebab meat,and am spoiled by the time I spend each year in Hamburg, where the best places have slabs of meat hunks rotating on a spit, not just burnt minced composite product, like Parthenon has).
At Parthenon, I just picked at the gyros meat and a bunch of the onion, and left the bloated pita and the tomato. The meat was black, scrawny, and there was precious little of it. If this was the "mega" I would hate to see the normal gyros, and if I ever do order it, I will bring a microscope.
As a form of therapy, a couple days later I went to Oakland Gyros on Layton in Milwaukee. For ~$6 (!) their gyros has mountains of succulent, rich, tasty slabs of gyros - - dense, rich rolls of it - - piled so high it is had to finish (along with plenty onion and a really good tsatsiki in squeeze bottles). The contrast is so massive, and the Parthenon gyros is so miserable and pathetic in contrast (in terms of quantity, quality, and flavor), that rating Parthenon with two stars should nominate me for sainthood, in the Parthenon pantheon. But I just can't give it two stars. This is a major rip-off, and a horrible product.