This place is really a busy location. I walked in for an MRI expecting a similar experience to West Valley Imaging. I was way off. This was so much more crowded. I started in one waiting area where I signed in and waited to be called up for paper work. When I was called up I was moved to a second waiting room where I completed my paper work and waited to be called up again. I was called up after a few minutes and processed in their computer system. I sat back down and waited until I was called into yet another waiting room. Waiting room #3. I sat there for several minutes before I was brought a clip board with more paper work and two hospital gowns to change into. I changed and completed my paperwork and watched several other people get called in before me. I'm pretty sure some of them got there after me but I can look past that. I did take some valium to get me through the scan so maybe they were waiting for it to take affect. When I finally got called back to the MRI I climbed up on the table, put my head in a cage that made me feel not unlike Hannibal Lecter, and was slowly inserted into the tube. It only lasted 15 minutes. I was expecting to be in there a lot longer. I didn't even need the valium with how short a time I was in. Whatever. At least I made it through. Steinberg may have a machine that I consider superior to the one West Valley but they herd you like cattle from one room to the next. Its a little ridiculous.