| - The best Arts Festival there ever could be! Where do I even start..
I've been coming here for years. It always falls during my birthday and every year it is what I request to do for the day with my boyfriend and my family. Parking can be a pain, but it's Downtown- what else do you expect? Other than that, it's always a wonderful time. I'm so thankful that Pittsburgh has a festival like this. There are tons of vendors- most of them are there for a few days or even a week, and then new vendors come in. Typically, I try to make it here for both weekends, so that I can see everything from all of the vendors. This year I could only make it to one weekend, but still visited twice. Yes, a lot of the items you will find here will be expensive, but that's ok, it's still wonderful to look. I've also found a lot of great deals and it's always nice to support the artist directly, rather than paying a middle man. Some of the goodies I received this year:
A absolutely breathtaking print by Anastasia Alexandrin. $40
A beautiful rose wrap ring by Doctor Gus. $10
Pottery pieces (wish I knew the artist's name) which included: two soup bowls and two mugs. ($12 each for all)
A glass ring. $5
Live music, tons of food, amazing art- what more could you want? Even if you don't want to spend money, it's so worth it to come down and experience it. I look forward to it every single year.