I went here with a group of 7 other friends a few weeks ago and it'll be the unique circumstances you'll remember and unfortunately not the food: walking to your table all conga line style, realizing how hard it is to use a fork in the dark, the way conversation changes without visual cues, and , hopefully, a FOOD FIGHT like our table had. Haha. Chocolate mousse everywhere...I would not want to see what our table looked like.
The food itself just isn't that interesting or unique. I ordered 2 surprises for dessert and appetizer hoping to actually BE surprised and try something unique. Unfortunately, they just ended up being a simple salad and a chocolate mousse. I was hoping to be guessing at what I was putting in my mouth! Sharing it with everybody going "What IS this?!"
The filet mignon for the main was fine. It's just asparagus, steak and potatoes. Nothing exciting here, or unique in the preparation or flavours. Everything IS cut up into bite size chunks. Steak knives in the dark would be a really bad idea!
Did the environment cause me to experience flavour differently? No not really. I was hoping for more risk/experimentation with the dishes. But it was something fun to try. Not really a date place (although if you could arrange to meet inside it would be a pretty cool blind date), so bring a group of people that already know each other.