| - More a review for the product itself, since I haven't stepped foot onto the actual premises (yet). I'm sure that'll change next time or two I head out to Mad-town to visit one Mister Corey D...
Review! Ale Asylum! Wisconsin beer!
... you betcha it is, and it's flippin' tasty, to boot.
In all honesty, I wasn't a super-fan at the beginning. I think the first brew I tasted was the Ambergeddon, and I was sort of one the fence about the whole thing.
Enter: Satisfaction Jacksin. Game over. Double IPA for the win. I mean, I do love double IPAs as a rule of thumb, but this one is up there. It's in the top ten, and that's a big deal. It's really good.
Follow: Contorter Porter + Madtown Nutbrown = delightful and drinkable darker brews for fall and winter months. (I'm a seasonal drinker, what can I say?)
Can't wait to visit the brewery itself, take a tour, and get even better acquainted w/ the Ale Asylum family of suds!