Generally good quality work; on the expensive side. He will tell you if something cannot be fixed or is not worth it. I'm taking off a star because the last two times I've been in, their manner has been less than pleasant. The first time it was not the owner; I simply asked if it was possible to have some new inserts put in while I waited. I thought it might be a simple job and worth asking the question. He almost shouted that he couldn't do anything while you waited and went on to say he had 200 repairs to do. OK fair enough - I asked the question; he didn't have to be rude in his answer. The second time it was the owner and I mentioned that I thought the cost for that particular job was a lot. He said I could do it myself for $5 less, that I was paying for the labour and he had to pay his rent etc. etc. GMAB I didn't need to get jumped on like that.
I find it annoying having to pay in advance. I can understand why as I think this is probably a business where some people do not pick up their goods. I just don't like the practice.
There have been a number of times when I've gone at the 10 a.m. opening time and it has not been open. One time he told me it was the traffic. However, I think if you are running a business and have posted hours, these should be adhered to and plan your commute accordingly. This happened more than once.