In the chaos of the Walmart/Home Depot power strip, there is a source of peace, a source of balance, a source of Thrifty ice cream.
At $1.85 for a generous single scoop on a plain cone, the ice cream is thrifty. It is also Thrifty, in the sense of being the last lingering reminder of the award-winning drug-store ice-cream brand.
Thrifty ice cream is a straightforward ice cream, from the days before add-ins and ripples and limited editions. If you are looking for a mid-century modern ice cream to soothe your hipster sensibilities, Thrifty is that ice cream. It does not come in flavors like lobster or "moose tracks" or anything involving puns. The most exotic flavor is strawberry cheesecake. But it is truly fine ice cream. The butter pecan -- a fine MCM flavor that I ordinarily find insipid -- is deliciously buttery and convincingly pecan.
I strongly recommend arming oneself with a cone before braving the screaming chaos of any of the stores in that strip. The clerk when I visited was very nice and possibly the only ice-cream scooper who has ever grasped how to exchange cone for money without making the cone-buyer feel klutzy and awkward.