We went way out of our way to check out Toronto Climbing Academy because I liked the pictures on their website. We were definitely disappointed. The place just isn't that tall. It seemed kind of silly to be roping in for climbs that were only like 20% higher than the bouldering wall. There also isn't a large density of routes. That means that if you are only climbing 5.10 or 5.11 you can quickly run out of things to climb in one session. There are also a lot of walls that are only accessible lead climbing. They have a good number of highly textured walls, which is fun for visitors but in my experience gets old for regulars because you learn where all of the good naturals are rather quickly. I also didn't like how they dumbed down the belaying.
Bouldering was better than the route climbing. There was a pretty cool freestanding boulder with a top out. Not a ton of problems in each area, but the problems were good. If I were a regular here I wouldn't bother with roped climbing at all and pretty quickly we took off our harnesses as well.
If this were my closest gym I'd be a bit disappointed, but I'd still enjoy it. It definitely isn't a destination though, even if Toronto really doesn't have a destination worthy gym at the moment.