These people should be ashamed of their rip off tactics! This is a warning, these folks will prey on your love for your pet and rip you a good one! Our daughter left her 9 year old rescue border collie in for a bath and left to run an errand. While she was away the groomer determined the dog was "unsteady" and rushed him to Banfield where the vet built a case to frighten the dog owner. She was told her unsteady dog may have symptoms of valley fever. Look, I have walked this dog up to two miles over at least 5 times a week for more than nine months. He is not unsteady! Our unemployed daughter came back to this tale of woe and got sold a $300+ valley fever test she could not afford....and left with a clean dog and despicable waste of money charged to her Visa card. DO NOT FALL FOR THEIR UNPROFESSIONAL SALES TACTICS.