Prostitutes, incompetent employees, roaches, dirty carpet, must I go on?! This place is a real dump and I will NEVER be staying here again! As I drove into the parking lot I noticed prostitutes and their johns walking in and out of the room. One prostitute walked into the lobby to check in as three guys waited for her in their truck. ALL four then walked into the room as I sat there waiting for check in time. I can't believe these Travelodge employees would allow this unless they are getting a piece of the pie.
When I finally walked in to check in, the incompetent Mexican lady behind the desk takes my credit card and with a smug smile tells me, "You're card declined". I clearly knew this was bullshit and called my bank. I told her that my bank said my credit card is in good standing and there was no sign of the merchant even trying to charge my card. After the 5th time of her swiping my card she asked her coworker why it wasn't working then the coworker swiped the card and it went through. I guess she just didn't know what the hell she was doing. And to make matter worse she didn't even explain that she had made a mistake or even apologize for wasting my time.
As I walked into the room I noticed the bad smell and dirty carpets. Later that night I found 2 huge roaches just crawling on the carpet. Also, noisy drug dealers fighting with prostitutes at 6AM when I just crawled into bed from partying all night is not what I want to hear.