| - I guess I should have read the other reviews on here first. Wow!
My personal gripe with today's experience wasn't so much with the product as the service (or lack thereof) that I found. While the nursery was full of employees, nobody seemed interested in helping with anything. I got a lukewarm greeting on the way in and then ignored thereafter. Typical feeling of being a bother rather than a customer would be the best way to characterize it. I realize it's a Sunday afternoon, but how about at least pretending to give a damn?
I actually saw employees just hanging about, sitting on one of the big tree boxes near the front of the store and zoning out, waiting for closing time, avoid eye contact with customers. This was right at the main entrance. What a way to project your work ethic.
As others have stated, prices at this place were astronomical compared to just about anywhere else I've shopped, from big box stores to competing nurseries. I could understand this if they offered something unique, or better quality or what not, but I saw nothing of the sort.
Furthermore, half the items I had seen on their website (in particular section for this location) were not available on site and clearly had not been for some time. Bamboo? Nope. Philodendron? Nope. Definitely one of my pet peeves when people advertise that they have something and it turns out they haven't carried it in ages, or never did in the first place.
Last but not least, for an over-priced nursery, you'd think they'd have better landscaping and organization. This place is like a maze, poorly laid out and replete with uneven, broken dirt paths, broken concrete and asphalt roads and pot holes big enough to bury a horse in. I'm frankly surprised that nobody has gotten injured, especially since it seems to be a common theme that parents let their children run amok in this place.
All in all, a total disappointment. I left empty handed and when I walked out, I got nothing but apathy from everyone working there, even the gal at the cash register whose face is plastered across the website as being one of their best and most knowledgeable employees. Not even a fake smile or a thank you for coming in, she just turned her nose up. It doesn't cost you anything to show some hospitality, but lack thereof has cost this place all my future business. Not even worth a second chance.