Honestly the worst car wash I think I've ever been to. Previously I thought of bad car washes as the automatic ones that you go through and when it's all said and done, the car is still dirty and you literally just wasted money and time. This is somehow worse than that. These were self-wash stations and that's usually the better way to go because you can scrub as you see fit. But I spent the first 5 minutes trying to get a station to read my credit card because the bill changer was out of order. It never did read my card, but there was nothing saying it was out of order. Eventually I moved to another station that was open. This was one read my card on the first attempt and I selected the pre-rinse. NO water came out even though the timer started counted down. I switched to brush; same thing. Unbelievable. The unit never worked. There was no staff on the car wash side but I was able to snag somebody from the oil change side of the building. When I told him what had happened he was not surprised. He mumbled something about why it wasn't working and then said he would fix it in the mechanical room. He started the timer over for free and told me try again, but even though water was now coming out, the pressure was oh so weak. Soap didn't suds up when it came out and both the hoses for the sprayer and the brush leaked everywhere (all over me mainly) while it attempted to work. So yeah, can't recommend this car wash at all, although they may be cool for oil changes and such. I will not return.