Allow to take a trip down memory lane...before we upped and moved from Greenfield to Beechview, I used to stop here on my way to the gym at 5am to get a coffee. The manager feller was super nice and friendly and even the shorter lady who complained a lot about stuff was friendly in her own special, sort of way. There was even the two regular guys who would be waiting in their cars before the doors opened that you could depend on being there nearly everyday. I enjoyed these brief in and out visits, the shop was clean, the service was great and even if the taller gray haired hateful Trump supporter man who was one of the two I mentioned earlier was spewing or scuffing some 'Merika bullshit, it was good for a laugh because let's face it, ignorance can be hella funny, especially first thing in the morning.
Nonetheless, I miss this location. My new before gym Dunkin' Donuts stop is not nearly as entertaining or homely as the Forbes one.
I often wonder, what dumb shit is the hateful guy saying to the shorter older guy in glasses this morning? How are they razing the manager guy today? And lastly, do they miss me? Have they even noticed that I am no longer third in line?
Ritual. I crave the Dunkin' Donuts ritual but here I have yet to find it.
(Insert sad face emoticon here)