| - This is actually a 10 star review but alas, yelp only allows me 5. I love me some Target. I have a two year old and Target has been our home away from home since before she was born. I have always been satisfied with the level of customer service but this time, this Target and the manager Jonathan earned a place in my heart and I will never ever forget this man.
So, I'm visiting family from out of state for the Easter weekend and I rent a car from the airport. The new Dodge Durango. Fun car, fully automated. You push a button to start it. The key is a little odd and responds to different commands depending on how many times you push a button and how far the key is from the car. So, I'm leaving Target...put the baby in the car, put my purse in the car (with the key in it) shut the door and the car locks automatically!!!!!!! I am not in the car!
The next ten minutes where a whirlwind but the long story short is, Johnathan was there, he was calm and reassuring. He called the police, several times I might add as each minute was eternity for me and I kept asking where they were. He had a hammer ready for me to break the window and he basically talked me off the fence as the police arrived and unlocked the car. He brought me water and a strawberry Slurpee for the baby who thought the whole thing was a game.
Thank you Johnathan, and thank you Target for employing amazing people. I am a fan for life of the Target in Irwin, Pa on route 30!!!!