After eating lunch here twice I am left wondering, "Has Mattie ever BEEN to a real diner?" The food is awful. The french fries are made from some kind of reconstituted potato paste, they're not even real. The "Drunken Onion Rings" were so grease-laden they were inedible and for $4.95 we got exactly 6 of them. The (krautless) Pastrami Reuben was a complete disaster. A) it was served on pumpernickel swirl bread, NOT rye and 2) the bread wasn't grilled so the whole turned to mush in a matter of minutes. Same with the stale hamburger bun--grill it, ya mook!
Just because you imported an authentic structure from Jersey doesn't mean you know bupkus about diner food. Stick with pulled pork and pimiento cheese.