| - I wrote out a lengthy review and somehow it's not showing up.
I went to Dr. Prince for the first time and will neeeeeeeeever be back. I'm new to the area and I chose her randomly from the insurance list of doctors I could go to. I went to my last doctor for years and knew I may have to try a few doctors before I found a good one. But I didn't think my experiences would be so blatantly bad.
As soon as I walked into the waiting room, I had a bad feeling. It was a weekday and jam PACKED. A lot of doctors offices stay busy, that's fine. But I had the feeling this was a "get as many in and out as possible" situation. I didn't feel good about it.
The nurse that took me back seemed flustered. It was busy so I had to wait in line to be weighed. It felt de-humanizing.
She took me in the room and tried to get my blood pressure. I'm a fat woman and sometimes they have larger arm cuffs to accommodate. I have no idea if they do there but she just put it around my forearm which I thought was strange. She asked me some questions about my family history even though it was all on my forms. I went through it with her and then she left.
Dr. Prince came in and started asking me about my blood sugar. I'm not diabetic so I was confused. I said "I'm not diabetic why are you asking me this?" She advised the nurse had put I have type 2 diabetes. OK so the nurse assumed I'm diabetic because I'm fat?! It was nowhere on my forms and I did not tell her I was verbally. Cool fatphobia, here we go!! The doctor asked me twice why the nurse put that if it wasn't true. Hey, I don't know, you tell me?????????
Mind you, I came in to get my anxiety under control before addressing anything else. Dr. Prince went through a list of medications, tried twice to prescribe me one that I told her has made me very sick. Like vomiting profusely sick. Then she settled on one I told her I think I had tried. Instead of wait for my charts, she was like meh just try it anyway. Cool doctoring, is your degree even real?!
She then got IN MY FACE, blocking me with how close she was, and started to ask me over and over why I hadn't been losing weight. I felt SO UNCOMFORTABLE.
On my way out, she handed me some documents which as I read, actually stated I had elevated glucose levels in my blood. They didn't have my medical records, they hadn't even ordered them yet. Also, that's not true. I had my glucose test and was fine.
In addition, the documents had really condescending and oversimplified information about how to lose weight (less calories in-more out. NO SH*T.)
I honestly have never in my life been so fat shamed by a doctor, ignored, insulted, etc.
I came in for anxiety and had a panic attack in the parking lot. COOL.
Do not go to this doctor, especially if you are overweight. She will focus on that.
First, do no harm.