Been here so many times it's become a revolving staple of restaurants I go to when I don't know what I feel like or something to warm up to on a cold Canadian winter day. To me Soon do bu is the quintessential comfort food. It checks off all the requirements, it's a soup, it's hot (and spicy), easy to eat (it's a soup), and relatively healthy because it's mostly tofu although your doctor may not agree so much with the amount of sodium but that's why it's comfort food, not rabbit food.
I always get the seafood mild because anything spicier I don't even taste the soup anymore. The rice is always something I look forward to in the stone bowl. The stone bowl keeps the rice hot/warm throughout the whole meal, nice. The kimchi before the meal is always a nice touch. Consistent, delicious every time.
The restaurant is also bigger than its immediate Soon do bu neighbour which is also very good but so cramped there I feel like I'm eating in a sardine can. Here I can sit down, stretch a bit and not have to listen to 4 conversations at the same time. They opened up another location along Bloor but I stick to this one because they serve rice in stone bowls which to me is the whole point of Soon do bu and isn't the same any other way.
The other thing too about comfort food to me is that it's comfortable on my wallet afterwards which this is :)