I once heard a comic say that Ikea is where relationships go to die. That my friends, is why you go to Ikea alone. When you're alone at Ikea, it's a magical world of wondering around for hours. Getting lost in the endless sea of blonde wooden things.
I don't hate on Ikea. It serves a very useful purpose. It got me through college while on a budget, and still kept my apartment looking somewhat stylish. I kid you not, I had a wardrobe that traveled with me to THREE houses for around 4 years. By the third move it was practically busting apart, but it served its purpose well.
It's a great place to stock up on random items too. I had an event that I needed 60 wine glasses for, and was able to buy them for around $1 a piece. You're not going to find that price at Target (although I love you Target!).
I rarely get out here because it's so far, but when I do, I always cherish my time together.