I think it's silly to review a large chain like Walgreens, however this location deserves some positive reviews! My son has a pretty severe allergy to food dyes/coloring. He also gets ear infections frequently, which require antibiotics. Most antibiotics are riddled with artificial colors. Aside from the negative side effects artificial dyes/colors have on our health, my son simply cannot have them; especially in larger doses twice daily for two weeks at a time. When we first moved to Arizona it was difficult to find a pharmacy to accommodate our needs. CVS across the street literally showed zero empathy and refused to make accommodations to his allergy. Saying they have never had such a request for a prescription. Walgreens on the other hand, not only made accommodations during his last RX in September and switched him to an antibiotic that was dye free, but now carry a wide variety of dye free prescriptions for children!!! Thanks, Walgreens, for being so progressive!!