It's either you here or be a patient, you'll get a bad treatment. I worked at st. Rose for 5 years at the time when I decided to apply to this hospital because I needed to work days shift. Joyce the manager from ER hired me, don't get me wrong she is very nice. But when my orientation started, maltreatment starts, the staffs are mean, the unit secretary who's training me is mean and very unprofessional. So after my orientation is resigned and came back to st. Rose. After 10 years or so I came back with my sister in law as patient. Oh my God! They're not just a bad employer they also a bad to their patients. My sister came for Ultrasound and MRI, she just had a back surgery a week ago and had complications that's why she's here's for test. She's been here since this morning nobody assisting her or give her anything, Then finally showed up and telling her she's gonna have surgery, WTF! Tell me why I'm not happy.